
Showing posts from March, 2023
I Made the Life I was Dreaming of My Actual Life  So let me talk about my move to Hawaii and what it is all about. If you are new here, I am 55 years old, mother of 4 grown kids and grandma to 6. After 23 years of marriage, I decided that I needed a life. A happy life. I was tired and unhappy and decided it was ok to put myself first.  Now, I did not just leave my life and move to paradise. I spent about 13 years getting my degree from  Southern New Hampshire University  online while I worked full time. I moved to michigan and I also built my career. I work for  Little Unicorn  and I love my job and the company. I will get into that in another post because it deserves its own post.  After my kids were married and settled and done with school, I decided that I was going to build a life for myself. A single woman in her 50's can start over. I spent a few months selling everything and I mean..everything. I sold my car, my clothes,my dishes, books, my furniture, all of it. I looked onl

Missing people and the feelings that childhood brings

 It is always so surprising to me that a simple song can come on Spotify and I feel so many feelings. Rocky Mountain High by John Denver came on and I instantly thought of my aunt Marie ( AKA Re-Re). She was my mom's little sister and I spent a lot of time with her growing up. I miss her. I miss her under 5 foot frame and her over 6 foot tall personality.  I hear Hotel California and I think of my sister Lisa. She is the second of the 4 sisters. I am the 4th. Lisa and I have never been really close. I have so many memories of her music though. Elton John                 ( especially Rocket Man), James Taylor, The Eagles etc. I remember her smelling like Blue Grass perfume and her pale blue Honda Civic. I remember going to a Libertarian rally with her when I was probably 9 years old.  She seemed so sophisticated and worldly to me at the time.I thought she was so cool. She loved Burt Reynolds. That was weird. Little River Band is my songs for Lori. I hear it and I almost feel sad. I
 Well I found my blog after so long. SO much has changed. I moved to Hawaii. I am living the dream. dream. I have a beautiful home, wonderful friends and a life I have built. I have lost 60 lbs and feel so good. I left the LDS church and THAT has given me a sense of freedom. It was the final release from my life as I had lived it  in my 20's,30's and my 40's for the most part. My 50's have been MINE!  After moving to Hawaii in October of 2021, I began dating a really great guy named Craig. It was good. It just wasn't enough. After several months, I ended it. I feel good about it but every day I think about him, I miss him and I wonder if I rushed to end things. I am ok alone. I am pretty independent and I like myself enough to be ok with being alone. I just feel like there is someone and I can't figure out who it is, where he is. I am at the time in my life where I have more to offer than I have in the past. I have a good job, a degree and a good sense