Taylor is loving being the rock climbing instructor at camp! I am so proud of her. It is just another one of the things she has done that makes me so proud. She is doing a great job I am sure. It is truly the first time she has been "on her own". When she went to Kindergarten Scott was at the same school. When she went to Middle School , She went to a private school where Scott was there as a Freshman in high school. When she went to High school, he was there with her. When she went off to college at USU...Scott was there. I had never really looked at it that way until one night I got a late night text from Scott saying how he felt strange about her going off and his being there. He told me he contacted his friends that were at camp ( he was an archery instructor there 2 summers ago) and asked them to keep an eye on her. I know I say how amazing my kids are all of the time but seriously how great are my kids!! Anyway, here are a few candid pictures I took from thew camp website of Tay doing her thing. They are lucky to have her there.


Unknown said…
gall she´s so cute! makes me just want to go learn to be a rock climber! i just have to tell myself 7 months... 7 months.
Ficklins said…
Elder Hafen...what to do with you. She is kind of cute though huh? :)
Unknown said…
can we say PERFECT!!! she wasn´t to happy with this post FYI but i loved it haha

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