Valentine's Day _ REAL love
So many people hate this holiday and I can sort of understand why. We place a lot of our romantic value, and worth on the gifts we give and receive. It is sad really, to think that roses mean love more than a Snicker's bar from 7-11. But lets face it, it is how it is. I have never in my entire life had a REAL Valentine's Day. I have not gotten flowers, lovey cards or heart shaped boxes of chocolates...from a boyfriend or my ex-husband (side note..he felt he did not need to be romantic since he is not Roman. nice excuse). My father however always gave the girls ( daughters and Grand-daughters) beautiful heart shaped boxes of candy from Ethel M's. I love this. I miss this. Not because I needed the candy or felt unloved but because he always wanted us to feel special and we did. I have known real love in my life. My father loved me in a way that nobody else ever has. He saw so much potential in me, and a lot of not fulfilling that potential at the same time. He knew that I was making mistakes at times, but he always loved me regardless. I have zero memories of him yelling at anyone. He was fair and loyal to me. He taught me what real romance is. He believed in it and showed it to my mom through out my life. I always planned on marrying someone like my father, I did not. My son Scott has grown to follow the path of my father in so many ways. I cannot put into words the pride and love my dad had for Scott. I think my dad loved me more after I had Scott, than he did before. He sort of felt like Scott was made just for him. I do not go a day where I do not miss my dad and wish I was able to call him. A brain tumor made that impossible. That tumor took my dad in a cruel, degrading way. I know my dad loved me. More than I have been loved in my life. I miss knowing I have that in my life. I hope my children know I love them the way my dad loved me. So Valentine's Day can have a different romantic meaning for some people. It is not always the type of love that is portrayed in commercials and ads, it can be a reflection of
the daily love that you feel when you know that your father loves you the way he does/did. I miss you dad and love you. Remind yourself to show the people you love that you love them, even if it is JUST a Snicker's bar from 7-11.
P.S. Best Valentines Day I ever had was 1990...with the birth of my daughter Taylor. Happy Birthday Tay I love you.

P.S. Best Valentines Day I ever had was 1990...with the birth of my daughter Taylor. Happy Birthday Tay I love you.