So I sat down to look at my saved pictures on my computer and I found a hilarious sampling of what my daughters and my niece do with their cameras. I think girls this age are obsessed with odd pictures of themselves. I felt the need to share.

This is Cassidy and my 13 year old niece Chloe.

This is them again....notice my daughter has no right arm ? It seems to be missing in every picture...maybe due to the fact shes taking pictures of herself? is also missing in a picture of her and her boyfriend Cody. hmmm...

Still no arm...

this is a great example of who they are together. I love them both..even with missing limbs.

How weird, shes in the car with Taylor and Taylor looks very upset with the thought of Cassidy never having a right arm...

She seems to find it when there is someone there to take the picture . Gotta love the plaid Pj bottoms, uggs and a little boys superman shirt.

I think having sister, friends, cousins and even a fun boyfriend to take pictures of is great. I love how fun and happy Cassidy is. Anyone who knows her knows that if you are around her you will always be laughing. She is a huge blessing to me and I hope she knows it. I love you Cacka da wack.

This is a cute picture of Scott's girlfriend Blair and Taylor and Scott at Blairs sisters reception. These are my children looking normal...

Here are the girls a few years ago. One of my favorite pictures, even if cassidys arm is missing in this too.

This is Taylor and 2 of her room mates from school. I am so proud of all of my children. If I have done one thing right in my life, it is with my kids. I have the most amazing children and I hope they all know how much I love them. Limbs or not :)


Booksforever said…
My girls take those pictures too! LOL. What is it about the lips? My girls have their lips in such weird angles in all their one armed pics. ha ha. Thanks for sharing
alexis said…
yes you do have amazing children!
and i love how every teenager has a missing right arm in every picture!

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